CALL FOR YOUR O.C. CHARACTERS - ICF3 - exhibit your original characters creation globally for free
CALL FOR YOUR ORIGINAL CHARACTERS CREATION- ICF3 - Do you think to post your artworks on social media to be an achievement? Achievement is when your artworks published in a book or published by mass media. Exhibit your original characters artwork(s) globally for free in INTERNATIONAL CHARACTERS FIESTA (ICF3) elevate your name with others at international level follow the step of the previous international artists in ICF1 and ICF2, now it’s your turn, send it at least one of your original character in 300 dpi or 3MP before 30 November 2020 to with your short bio. ICF is a crowdsourcing visual artworks publication, Please check ICF1 and ICF 2 publication in Play Store and Amazon. Special for this publication, start from ICF 3, you will get a participant digital certificate. The copyright still yours to keep, that's why we need your complete name, email, and contact number.
Join ICF Whatsapp group at this link
Submission is closed when at least 24 artists are submitting their artworks. Confirmed Artist:
1. Angel Michael: United Kingdom
2. Abdul Kahfi: United Arab Emirates
3. Nura Maolana: Indonesia
4. Archana Universa: Indonesia
5. Rudewerks: Nigeria
6. I Made Marthana Yusa: Indonesia
7. Jessica Amelia: Indonesia
8. You: Your country
Send your original character artwork(s) photo or in digital format to: along with a simple your original character's bio and your profile.
“Menerbitkan buku, komik, novel, buku teks atau
buku ajar, riset atau penelitian di jurnal? An1mage jawabnya”
AN1MAGINE BY AN1MAGE: Enlightening Open Mind Generations
AN1MAGE: Inspiring Creation Mind Enlightening
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