CALL FOR PAPERS: International Journal of Multimedia Study
CALL FOR PAPERS: International Journal of Multimedia Study
International Journal of Multimedia Study (IJMS ISSN:2598-2109) emerging rapidly as an exciting new paradigm to provide a smart multimedia computing life services and cultural for benefit of humankind in graphic design, motion graphics design, movie design, audio design, communication, technology, theory, applied, visual, traditional, digital, and multimedia anytime, anywhere.
International Journal of Multimedia Study provides a chance for academic, researchers, and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of multimedia including models and systems, new directions, novel applications associated with the utilization, and acceptance of smart computing devices and systems.
International Journal of Multimedia Study bridging the gap of users who do not have access to major databases where one should pay for every downloaded article; this online publication platform is open access to all readers as part of our commitment to global scientific society. The publication fee 300 USD only, the fee will be charged when the manuscript is accepted.
IJMS publish on April and October, deadline 27 March and 27 September for each publication, send your manuscript by email: or via a website, click “Make a submission” button at and follow the next steps.
- Graphic/visual Design theory, techniques, and application in traditional, digital, and or multimedia,
- Audio Design theory, techniques, and application in traditional, digital, and or multimedia.
- Motion Graphics Design theory, techniques, and application in traditional, digital, and or multimedia.
- Movie/video Design theory, techniques, and application in traditional, digital, and or multimedia.
- Games, applications, and software’s programming.
- Access smart multimedia control in a ubiquitous environment
- Commercial and industrial in multimedia security
- Context awareness multimedia model for ubiquitous Service
- Multimedia Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Artificial Intelligence
- Multimedia Distance education solution
- Multimedia e-business and other applications
- Multimedia Embedded System Architecture
- Multimedia Embedded Systems and Infrastructure for smart ubiquitous computing
- Multimedia Fuzzy neural networks
- Multimedia Hardware/Software Co-design
- Multimedia Home-network applications
- Multimedia Human-computer interaction and embedded systems
- Industrial Multimedia Applications of Computer Graphics
- Industrial Multimedia and IT applications
- Multimedia and smart intelligence service
- Multimedia and smart Internet application
- Multimedia and smart IPv6, Forensics for ubiquitous
- Multimedia and smart key management and authentication in ubiquitous Environment
- Multimedia and smart learning and content management systems
- Multimedia and smart middleware design techniques
- Smart Mobile/wireless computing & applications
- Modeling issues and case studies
- Multimedia database
- Multimedia and smart information security
- Multimedia and smart programming application
- Multimedia and smart software engineering
- Multimedia and smart systems
- Multimedia and smart network security issues and protocols in Ubiquitous Environment
- Smart neural network models and algorithms
- Smart Object-oriented theory and techniques
- smart Security in U-commerce
- Multimedia simulation techniques for embedded systems
- Telemedicine system solution
- Ubiquitous smart multimedia security
- Ubiquitous smart sensor network
- U-business and other applications
- Use of embedded systems for smart ubiquitous computing
- Multimedia and smart web-based cooperative work
- Multimedia and smart wireless communication and networks
- Holographic technology
- Other Smart, Multimedia, and IT applications
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